
Kevin Harrington's Book

Publishing PRO Package

Kevin Harrington's Book Publishing PRO Package



  • Consulting and Mentorship with bestselling authors

  • Global Distribution Your book will be listed through major online booksellers such as, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million, and numerous international retailers as well

  • Fast Book Printing Books ship 2 business days after receipt and acceptance of the order

  • Online book store page for your book

  • One-on-one author support

  • Non-exclusive Contract you retain all rights to your manuscript

  • Zero hidden fees

  • Author Website design

  • Book Funnel landing page creation

  • 60 Days Social Media Management content posting and organic follower growth on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube

  • 30 Days of Digital Advertising Management through Facebook, Instagram, and Google (advertising media budget billed separately)

  • Email Marketing Automation Set Up

  • Press Release and PR Blast We will write your press release and publish on 200 plus online publications, including NBC, ABC, and FOX affiliates

  • Become A Bestselling Author We will run campaigns to our avid readers to sell your book through Amazon, guaranteeing you will reach Bestseller status in at least one category. Submit synopsis or chapter here for a quote

  • Bestseller Campaign

  • Virtual Book Tour 5 guaranteed author interviews on popular blogs

  • 25 Verified Amazon reviews

  • Social Media Shout-Out to Kevin Harrington's network

  • Book Endorsement from Kevin Harrington

Optional Add-Ons for No Additional Charges as Needed by the Author

  • Cover Design work with an artist to create custom artwork

  • Interior Layout black and white professional layout with unlimited image insertions

  • Copyright Notice, ISBN, and Barcode Assignment A unique 13-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and barcode is required for distribution at most major bookstores

  • Ebook Conversion and Publishing Your book will be available on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble NOOK, Apple iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, PC, Mac, etc.

  • Editing We will provide complete editing oversight

  • Consulting and Mentorship with bestselling authors

  • Global Distribution Your book will be listed through major online booksellers such as, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million, and numerous international retailers as well

  • Fast Book Printing Books ship 2 business days after receipt and acceptance of the order

  • Online book store page for your book

  • One-on-one author support

  • Non-exclusive Contract you retain all rights to your manuscript

  • Zero hidden fees

  • Author Website design

  • Book Funnel landing page creation

  • 60 Days Social Media Management content posting and organic follower growth on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube

  • 30 Days of Digital Advertising Management through Facebook, Instagram, and Google (advertising media budget billed separately)

  • Email Marketing Automation Set Up

  • Press Release and PR Blast We will write your press release and publish on 200 plus online publications, including NBC, ABC, and FOX affiliates

  • Become A Bestselling Author We will run campaigns to our avid readers to sell your book through Amazon, guaranteeing you will reach Bestseller status in at least one category. Submit synopsis or chapter here for a quote

  • Bestseller Campaign

  • Virtual Book Tour 5 guaranteed author interviews on popular blogs

  • 25 Verified Amazon reviews

  • Social Media Shout-Out to Kevin Harrington's network

  • Book Endorsement from Kevin Harrington

Optional Add-Ons for No Additional Charges as Needed by the Author

  • Cover Design work with an artist to create custom artwork

  • Interior Layout black and white professional layout with unlimited image insertions

  • Copyright Notice, ISBN, and Barcode Assignment A unique 13-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and barcode is required for distribution at most major bookstores

  • Ebook Conversion and Publishing Your book will be available on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble NOOK, Apple iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, PC, Mac, etc.

  • Editing We will provide complete editing oversight

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See What Others Are Saying About Working With Kevin!

Montel Williams

TV Talk Show Host

"Kevin is a pioneer in the direct response industry and has risen to nearly iconic status over the years. I admire his vision and his drive and I am honored to call him both my business partner and my friend. I hold you in the highest regard."

Lori Lee

Senior Vice President of Marketing, AT&T

"Kevin's innovative mindset is brilliant! His recommendation of our utilizing AT&T U-verse television content and AdWorks advertising solutions to market our newly developed Apps was a major WIN at our conference."

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